Popular Japanese variety grown for both its delicious mild greens and fine-grained roots. Delicious, broad leafy, mild tasting greens grow 18- 20"H. The large, pure white, fine-grained, 6-8" diameter, firm, crisp globe is most tender when harvested at 3-4". Their shape resembles a wooden top. Thrives in hot dry weather. It is often pickled, used in soups, stir-fries, braised or in salads. Both leaves and root can be harvested in the baby stage for gourmet dishes. Excellent choice for commercial production, home gardens and market growers.
Pollination occurs by insect, bird, wind, humans, or other natural mechanisms. Because there are no restrictions on the flow of pollen between individuals, open-pollinated plants are more genetically diverse. However, as long as pollen is not shared between different varieties within the same species, then the seed produced will remain true-to-type year after year.
This variety has a history of being passed down within a family or community, similar to the generational sharing of certain items like jewelry or furniture.
* This is an estimated guide. Conditions may vary considerably due to location.
42 days