Holds a Guinness Book of World Records championship for yields: Nearly 350 lbs. of tomatoes from a single plant over a single season! Expect heavy yields of delicious, juicy, yet meaty, firm, round, red fruits weighing 10-16 oz. and more. Has just the right balance of acid and sugar. Heavy foliage protects fruits from sun scald. Widely adaptable to climates and soil conditions. Requires staking or cages. Continues to be the choice for many Home Gardeners and Commercial Growers.
Created from a controlled method of pollination in which the pollen of two different species or varieties is crossed by human intervention. Typical F1 varieties are deliberately created to breed a desired trait. Gardeners who use hybrid plant varieties usually purchase new seed every year, however, over several years the seed could eventually be used for open pollination
Indeterminates produce plants as large as you will allow them to grow. They have many widely spaced branches, numerous suckers, and produce tomatoes all season long. These are the varieties that can be manipulated in all sorts of fashion to make the plants conform to your needs.
* This is an estimated guide. Conditions may vary considerably due to location.
75 days