This outstanding Japanese turnip has an excellent sweet and mild flavor that makes it a favorite salad ingredient. The smooth flat-round, white roots mature early and are best harvested young up to 2" diameter but also stays smooth as it sizes. The dark-green, hairless tops are useful raw or lightly cooked with the roots. Plant short rows frequently so the fresh roots and tops are available to you from spring to fall.
Created from a controlled method of pollination in which the pollen of two different species or varieties is crossed by human intervention. Typical F1 varieties are deliberately created to breed a desired trait. Gardeners who use hybrid plant varieties usually purchase new seed every year, however, over several years the seed could eventually be used for open pollination
Annual plants are plants with a life cycle that lasts only one year. They grow from seed, bloom, produce seeds, and die in one growing season. They then need to be replanted each spring.
* This is an estimated guide. Conditions may vary considerably due to location.
25-45 days