Attractive 4'H plants with green leaves contrasting with burgundy stem branches and leaf ribs. Bright yellow flowers followed by tender 5-7" deep burgundy slender pods that add beautiful color to any gumbo dish! Most productive of the red varieties. Ornamental and edible! Use in landscaping and dried and fresh flower arrangements.
Pollination occurs by insect, bird, wind, humans, or other natural mechanisms. Because there are no restrictions on the flow of pollen between individuals, open-pollinated plants are more genetically diverse. However, as long as pollen is not shared between different varieties within the same species, then the seed produced will remain true-to-type year after year.
This variety has a history of being passed down within a family or community, similar to the generational sharing of certain items like jewelry or furniture.
* This is an estimated guide. Conditions may vary considerably due to location.
50-60 days